How to Build a Successful Value-Based Practice: Revolutionize Your Financial Advisory Career

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If all the practice consultants and marketing experts have such great ideas to share, why aren't they using them to run their own successful practices?
Finally, a course that offers not just ideas but proven strategies for transforming any practice by confidently pricing your advice, enhancing client connections, and ensuring high compliance. Practicing financial advisor Jason Poole uses these exact strategies to run his own successful planning practice.

Welcome to your gateway to success in the world of financial planning. We present to you our online video course - "How to Build a Successful Value-Based Practice". Designed meticulously for both seasoned and aspiring financial advisors, this course aims to equip you with the tools and insights necessary to enhance your client engagement and business profitability.

What's in Store for You?

This video course has been curated to provide a comprehensive understanding of the key aspects of value-based financial planning. Here's a glimpse into the modules:

Course Highlights


Get Your Thinking Clear

This foundational module helps you set the tone for your value-based practice. It guides you to cultivate a mindset focused on delivering genuine value to clients rather than simply meeting quantitative targets.


How to Position Fees

Learn the art of transparent and fair fee positioning. This module teaches you to align your fees with the value you offer, fostering trust and satisfaction among your clients.


Transitioning from Volume to Value

This pivotal module provides strategies and guidance to shift your focus from sheer numbers to a quality-driven approach. Learn to focus more on the value you provide to each client, enhancing their satisfaction and your business reputation.


Know Your Numbers

A successful business is grounded in a thorough understanding of its financials. This module equips you with the knowledge to understand your business numbers better and to use them effectively for planning and decision-making.


How to Price Your Advice

This module brings everything together by guiding you on how to appropriately price your advice. Learn to price in a way that resonates with the value you deliver, leading to better client satisfaction and business profitability.


Why Choose This Video Course?

This is more than just an online course; it's an investment in your future. This comprehensive program has been designed with practicality in mind, ensuring you can apply the learnings directly to your practice. Moreover, it's led by industry experts who bring in their real-world experiences, making the course highly relatable and beneficial.


I'm Jason Poole

I am a financial advisor just like you. I have worked in commercial banking, investment management and financial planning and have transitioned my own business from commissions to fees (with a mix of commissions and fees for insurance). This, through the very system and processes in our video programs, which gives me a unique set of skills to support you. Whilst I feel very comfortable today with pricing advice and positioning fees around the value that we deliver, it wasn't always like this and I was sitting right where you are now.

You see, I was trained in the traditional way (I started in 1990, the firm that I bought in 2004 was established in 1973), I was frustrated and realised that there had to be a better, clearer, more transparent and sustainable way to build a business putting clients first - that is how Client First Advisors was born!

Developing a strategic value fee model has led to deeper, more engaged, valued client relationships. It has also tripled our firms profits and massively derisked our compliance. This process has allowed me to redefine what kind of business I want to run, how I want to work and with whom. The good news is that you can too! 

"By having Jason as a sounding board and learning the little things has given me more confidence moving forward. Nothing seems to be an effort for Jason, he is extremely helpful whenever I call or email. At times we all get stuck on things no matter how experienced we are and Jason is only too happy to help out. I think he really likes a challenge and truly wants to see advisers thrive in this new advice world. His enthusiasm is infectious."

- John Buckley

"Jason has always excelled in thinking outside the square and providing alternatives to situations. He is committed to our industry and understands our frustrations. What I really value with Jason and CFA is speaking with a like minded professional who wants to share ideas and experiences, giving a fresh prospective on what works and what doesn't. This saves me time rather than reinventing the wheel all over again."

- Vicki Hagley

"Jason has made me re-think how I engage with prospective clients. I now better understand how to present a letter of engagement and fee structure. My profitability has definitely improved. Best of all, my confidence has returned and I now smile like Jason."

- Greg Roberts 


How to Build a Successful Value-Based Practice



One off investment

Go at your own pace with online support

  • Five-step blueprint video program
  • Terms of Engagement Templates
  • Implementation Workbook
  • Access on mobile and desktop
  • BONUS I: How to use Strategic Advice to position and sell insurance case study video
  • BONUS II: How to step by step transition old business to new - video program
  • 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee



One off investment

Fast track your implementation with 1-1 working with Jason


  • Once per month 1-on-1 calls with Jason
  • Advanced implementation procedure
  • TOE "live case" drafting session 




With the 30 day guarantee period you will have access to ALL Client First Advisor content including: downloadable and editable Terms of Engagement (Word format), the complete program Companion Workbook, our specialist No More Undercutting Your Fees Checklist, an easy to complete Pricing Your Fees Spreadsheet and more. 

Just send us a quick email and no worries. We are here for the long term and will respect your choice.